Transformative Learning for Confident Communicators!

Unless otherwise expressly agreed by the company or any agent on behalf of the company, the Program Fee shall be paid in advance at once at the time of enrolment or availing of our services.

However, in exceptional circumstances and at our sole discretion, we may allow a learner to pay a Token Amount in advance to reserve her/his slot for such program or other services subject to the availability of such slots. In such circumstances, access to our services shall be contingent upon the final payment of the outstanding Program Fee within the stipulated time period as specified by our Program Advisors.

To make payment for any Program or to avail of any services offered by Flipped Classroom through the platform, you must have internet access and a current valid accepted payment method as indicated on the platform (“Payment Method”). We do not store any of your credit card information or such other information as restricted by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) for processing payment and have partnered with payment gateways for the payment towards the services. By using a third-party payment provider, you agree to abide by the terms/policies of such third-party payment provider.

You agree that in case Flipped Classroom Education Pvt Ltd’s third-party payment provider stores any such information, we will not be responsible for such storage, and it will be solely at your discretion to allow the third party to store such information as per its terms/policies. Flipped Classroom Education Pvt Ltd shall in no way be liable for the loss of such information or any loss incurred by you due to the misuse of such information. We shall not be obligated to reimburse you for any such loss or to hold you harmless in any manner. You also agree to pay all applicable fees, if any, for the payments made through the platform.

Kindly take into account that we do not support all payment methods, currencies or locations for payment other than those expressly mentioned in the third-party payment pages at the time of payment. All applicable taxes are calculated based on the billing information you provide to us at the time of enrolment/purchase. Your transactions on the platform may be subject to foreign exchange fees or exchange rates as the case may be.

In exceptional circumstances and at our sole discretion, Flipped Classroom may allow a learner to pay the Program Fee in instalments. If allowed, the learner shall pay the full Program Fee within the stipulated time and within the maximum allowed installments as discussed with the company. To provide you with hassle-free payment processing, we may create an auto NACH debit process. If the automated NACH transaction fails to debit an installment amount for any reason, Flipped Classroom will be free to revoke all access to our services until all dues are cleared.

Notwithstanding anything contained herein, the Program Fee or Token Amount for a program or other services is inherently non-refundable under any circumstances whatsoever.

We do not provide refunds of the Token Amount paid to reserve a slot for a program or service for any change of mind, inability to pay the outstanding Program Fee, or any reason whatsoever.

Moreover, we do not provide refunds of the Program Fee paid for enrolment/purchase of a program or service for the lack of usage, dissatisfaction with the program or for any reason whatsoever.

We reserve the right to change, update or modify this Refund Policy at any time at our sole discretion and any such change, update or modification shall become effective immediately upon the same being published on our website.